Thriving Global Citizens

Thriving Global Citizens

Thrive Global Project’s Thriving Global Citizen’s Program (also known as The Lunch Project’s Empathy Program) uniquely fosters empathy and cultivates compassion in children and youth by connecting them to their peers in countries across the globe.

Become a Global Citizen Through this interactive virtual program, students learn about Tanzania and the Maasai culture, creating a connection with their global peers.

Our Global Empathy Education Curriculum takes learning empathy to a new level by integrating common-core subjects into lessons that foster empathy.

Thriving Global Citizens

Global education is key to developing empathy. Empathy is essential for increasing social capital, equity, collaboration, as well as emotional and social wellbeing.

Go on an Adventure to Tanzania with TGPlive!

This map is interactive! Click to zoom in to start your journey on becoming a Global Citizen.

Thriving Global Citizens

Empathy Curriculum

Click each book below to gain access to the Thriving Global Citizens Empathy Education Curriculum created by community experts designed to teach students core skills.


Use our Virtual Content in your Classroom!

Our Empathy curriculum and TGP Live is perfect for the classroom!

Empathy is increasingly being regarded as a critical skill set where developing equity is critical in the growing global economy. The benefits of empathy education not only improve classroom culture, but also the culture of our communities.

Check it out here


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Donate Now! Where the Money Goes Because of our commitment to our mission, all of our funding goes straight to our programs and not a dime to administrative overhead.