Category: RTT Health & Wellness

Improve Your Health, Improve Your Life

As college students it’s important to think about incorporating healthy eating habits into your daily life. Although, you may not know where to start, so check out the tips below to help you get started in improving your health and life! Follow a grocery list! Incorporate frozen fruits and vegetables, they’re less expensive and still […]

Get Moving

Physical activity can help reduce stress for students. Physical activity/exercise can be free, try walking or biking to class, stretching daily and taking the stairs. What type of physical activity do you like to do? Make a list of it and then build it into your school day. Remember energy creates energy! Track your physical […]

Healthy coping skills for students:

Healthy coping skills for students It’s important to practice healthy coping skills. Utilize the list below to help incorporate these coping skills into your daily life. Check out the Empathia Podcast.

Protected: Mental Health in the Classroom

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